How to set up your MetaMask wallet

4 min readFeb 15, 2022


Note: Participation in the HYPEES NFT drop requires users to send funds from an exchange, such as Coinbase, to a crypto wallet, such as MetaMask.

Welcome to the next edition of our Introduction to NFTs series!

In our previous article — ‘How to setup your Coinbase account’ — we walked you through creating your first exchange-based account and buying your first crypto. Now, let’s walk you through setting up a MetaMask account so that you can begin interacting with different Web3 sites (i.e., OpenSea) and start purchasing and minting NFTs.

Ready? Let’s go.

How to set up your MetaMask wallet

Step 1 | Open your browser and head over to the MetaMask website.

Please note, if you’re hoping to primarily use MetaMask on mobile, the easiest way to get started would still be to set up an account via a PC or Mac.

Step 2 | Click the ‘Download’ button at the top-right of the MetaMask website.

Step 3 | Click the ‘Install MetaMask for Chrome’ button — this will direct you to the Chrome Web Store.

MetaMask can be downloaded as a browser extension on Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Microsoft Edge. Once you have the browser extension fully set up, you can then create an account that can be imported into your Apple or Android app.

Step 4 | Click the ‘Add to Chrome’ button on the Chrome Web Store page.

Once you’ve downloaded and installed the browser extension (for this tutorial, we’re using Chrome), you’ll arrive at the first selection screen.

Step 5| Click ‘Get Started’ to begin setting up your wallet.

Step 6 | Click ‘Yes, let’s get set up!’ to create a new wallet.

Once you’ve selected the option to create a new wallet, you’ll be asked to agree to — or opt-out of — MetaMask’s usage data gathering. You can always opt-out later in wallet settings.

Step 7 | Create a strong password for your account.

This is the password you’ll use to sign in to your MetaMask account via the browser extension or mobile app. Although this is not your private key/seed phrase, you’ll want to save it in a safe place, just as with any password.

Step 8 | Securely store your Secret Recovery Phrase!


Your Secret Recovery Phrase is a 12-word phrase that is the “master key” to your wallet and your funds. Write this phrase on a piece of paper and store in a secure location (an actual safe, a password manager, etc). If you lose this, you lose access to your wallet and your funds.

NEVER, EVER share your Secret Recovery Phrase, not even with MetaMask! If someone asks for your recovery phrase they are likely trying to scam you and steal your wallet funds.

Step 9 | Confirm your Secret Recovery Phrase

MetaMask will ask you to confirm your Secret Recovery Phrase by entering it back into the app. Once confirmed, you’ll arrive at the main page of your MetaMask wallet.

You’re done!

Congratulations, you’ve successfully set up your MetaMask wallet!

In our next article, we will show you how to transfer funds from an exchange to your MetaMask wallet so that you can begin interacting with different Web3 sites (i.e., OpenSea) and start purchasing and minting NFTs.

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DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies involve a high degree of risk, and there is always the possibility of loss, including the loss of all invested digital assets. I advise you to do your due diligence before making any cryptocurrency investment.

